Thursday 6 December 2012

Risk Assessment - Ella and Frankie

We will be discussing the activities to be taken, hazards and risks we may encounter. We aim to overcome the following hazards with a safety brief before hand so that all the students and actors are aware of the possible dangers which will enable them to take more care.

Walking to and from filming location;
  • Traffic- Being knocked down
  • Uneven Paths- Slip/Trip/Fall
  • Other Pedestrians- Bumping into others and fall
We must be especially careful with our young actor, make sure she is always being looked after and behaving safely.

Filming in the car;
  • Must wear seat belts.
  • Be aware of pedestrians around whilst the car is moving.
  • The driver must also have a valid driving licence.
  • The driver will not be filming, no distractions.
  • if we are using lighting within the car we must make sure it docent dazzle the driver or any passers by.

Filming equipment;
  • Theft- Continual awareness.
  • Keep young actor away from all equipment.
  • we will be using a tripod, when we do so we must ensure we place it in a suitable place and that we don't trip over it.

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