Friday 7 December 2012

Costume Ideas- Frankie and Ella

Costume Decisions
Our film features 3 main characters:
  • Mother
  • Father
  • Jennifer
The costumes for these characters will be fairly normal, as we want to portray social realism in our film.

The mother will be wearing causal clothes, typical for a woman in her thirties. She will probably be dressed in jeans and a top for most of the film, however she will also need winter clothes for the 'market scene'.


Jennifer will be wearing a range of costumes throughout the film. For example on Christmas evening, she will be wearing a cute onesie, and in the market scene, she will be wearing warm clothes as we will be filming her mother wrapping her up.

We will be needing a father Christmas outfit for the father character. Below is a screen grab of us buying the full set.

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