The narrative is based on a young girl’s
excitement and emotions during the build up to Christmas. She will be enjoying
the traditional Christmas events with her family, as Christmas day gets closer.
By Christmas Eve, she is extremely excited and struggling to get to sleep. Whilst
lying in bed, she hears a noise coming from downstairs, and sneaks to the
banister in hope of seeing Santa. However, to her surprise she witnesses her
mother and whom she thinks is Santa, eating the treats under the tree, swapping
gifts (a watch) and sharing a kiss. In shock, she runs back to bed and attempts
to get to sleep.
Christmas morning has arrived, and the girl
does not feel much excitement following the night’s events. Her parents call
her downstairs to open her presents from Santa, however she looks at them in
disgust. Christmas lunch comes,
and she is still not happy. However, as her father reaches for his drink, she
notices that he is wearing the same watch that her mother gave Santa the previous
evening. She looks confused, and shouts “SANTA??”.
Good synopsis you guys! Well done!